Sunday, 7 March 2010


OK so its been a while since I posted and its been a while sine I actually scrapbooked. So what I have been doing? Well all of my spare time has been sorting out photos as part of my LOM class. Now I know that sounds easy but trust me its not as straight forward as it seems! From what I have learned so far I would say:

Do your time line to start with. Yes you are going to be adding events on it as you sort more photos out but having a rough time line to start is a big help in figuring out when different things happen.
  1. Sort out your digital photos.
  2. Make sure each event is in a separate folder.
  3. Have a backup – at the moment I have all of my photos on CDs and on my second hard drive. But I am also investigating some online album storage.
  4. Go through each event folder and DELETE photos. I worked on the basis if they were blurry they went (a few exceptions), if there were duplicates then only 1 or 2 were kept.
When deleting photos I would ask myself:
  • Could I see me scrapbooking them?
  • Could I see me wanting them in a photo frame?
  • Could I see them being needed to go into a specific event album or mini book?
If I answered yes then they were kept. If I answered no then they were deleted. And deleting them is so cool. I know I have backup so I know they are not “gone forever”. And the numbers of photos I have for an event have so gone down. I can actually “see” the photos.

For already printed photos I just went through them and picked out the ones I wanted to keep following the above guidelines and then put the rest into "cold storage". (more on that another time)

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