Monday, 6 June 2011

28 Days of Sketches

I was in two minds if I should sign up for this class as I have learnt from “Finding my Way” that I need to understand my own style rather than copying someone elses pages directly. But the idea of seeing a range of peoples interpretations on a sketch, identifying those elements or layouts which inspire me and using the sketch as a basis for my own layouts and what is really “me” sounded to good an opportunity to pass up.

Unfortunately this class ran during a very busy month for me with commitments outside of my scrapbooking world so I was hindered to the amount of attention I could give towards this class.

I did look at the handouts and the gallery – thank goodness for some internet access on my mobile phone. But I was disappointed that there were not more examples of totally different interpretations of the sketches by other BPC teachers. I think this would of been very useful in the current position I am in understanding what my own scrapbooking style is.

I am currently working on one layout from a sketch in the class. I am pleased with the way it is turning out but it is taking some time to complete – a combination of other commitments and my playing around with the items to use on my layout and their position.

I do know that not having the sketch out all of the time has helped me scrapbook my way rather than doing a straight copy of the sketch. And I do look forward to using other sketches from this class to inspire me to scrapbook other layouts.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Photo Freedom

Thanks to Big Picture Scrapbooking for giving me the opportunity to undertake this class again as a 2010 alumi.

I thought I was doing really well with the implementation of the system and “tweaked” it for myself. And that in part is true. But there are so many things I have forgotten about which would make my system even better.

The main thing I am going to be looking at is using Adobe Photoshop more effectively. So need to get the manual out and learn how to do things on the programme to utilise it fully.